Kenny Klaus and Scott Kooiman are joined by Jeff Boatwright of Cartright’s Drain Service as they discuss all things septic, including what homeowners should do on an ongoing basis, warning signs, and other things to...
Being an Arizona homeowner doesn’t just mean owning the home you live in. As we continue a conversation on owning investment properties as well, Kenny Klaus and Scott Kooiman sit down with JP Dahdah, the...
What can you expect to see come up in a home inspection? What are the most common inspection call-outs in Arizona? Paul Stratton of Stratton Inspections shares his insight with Kenny Klaus and Scott Kooiman.
Scott Kooiman talks with Kraig Klaus, Lead Listing Specialist with Klaus Team Real Estate Solutions about the current market in October 2021 as they discuss inventory, offer expectations, negotiations, interest rates, and projections for rates...
Looking to make some changes around the house? Scott Kooiman and Kenny Klaus discuss seven ways you can improve your home and add value to your home at the same time.
When your home has appreciated and you’ve paid down the principal, your home becomes worth more than you owe – and you’re building equity. In this episode Scott sits down with Steve Farrington, a loan...
Kenny and Scott sit down with best-selling author Steve Chader of the book HOLD to discuss why we have each invested in real estate rental properties.
Scott talks with Kraig Klaus, Lead Listing Specialist with Klaus Team Real Estate Solutions about the current market in September 2021, home price appreciation, and projections for 2022.
There’s a lot going on behind the walls, and some homeowners make some pretty iffy repairs. Paul Stratton of Stratton Inspections joins us as we talk about the craziest things we’ve seen in home inspections.
Being an Arizona homeowner doesn’t just mean owning the home you live in. As we begin some conversations on owning investment properties as well, Kenny and Scott sit down with JP Dahdah, the CEO of...